At 9 months Tinley:
- 17.3 lbs
- 28.25 inches long
- Takes between 4 and 6 steps on her own, but gets too excited and runs/falls forward into waiting arms:/
- Still prefers using fingers to walk around and would be happy doing that 15 hours a day.
- Kisses you on the mouth when you say "kiss"...or sometimes just smacks your mouth with her hands...
- Waves and says "hi" and sometimes "bye" (bah- southern little thing)
- Loves most solid foods, she can down a ton of cheerios! Still opens her mouth really wide for every bite.
- Tries taking the spoon to feed herself, I won't let her.
- Has quite the reach and a very fast spin while laying down or sitting on her bum but the second she gets to her knees she quits.
- Is very good at letting you know if she's done eating, see picture with her head turned down and away.
- Says dada or daddy ALL. THE. TIME.
- Is SOOOO ticklish.
- Has 8 teeth.
- Has the most exquisite fine motor skills (she has for a while, but I never mentioned it). She'll find a single strand of thread that's less than a quarter inch long and pick it up, or things the size of poppy seeds. She's nuts!
- Oh and she's learned how to throw her head back and have little tantrums...punk.